Friday Fluffeh 1

So here’s the first of what will hopefully be a regular thing: Friday Fluffeh! Those of you who follow me on Twitter will be aware that I am an occassional sharer of fluffeh, so this is the next logical step, naturally.

I doubt it will be every Friday, but stay tuned anyway.

For the first Friday Fluffeh, please enjoy this video of a rabbit grooming a degu, and allow the stresses of life to just MELT THE FUCK AWAY JESUS CHRIST.

Naturally, any time you feel down in the future, check out the “Fluffeh” tag, and take your pick of whatever adorable picture/video I have dredged from the fetid depths of the internet.


One thought on “Friday Fluffeh 1

  1. […] (The first episode of Friday Fluffeh  can, of course, be found here.) […]

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